Friday, August 19, 2016


What a great adventure we are on.  I am so grateful for the opportunities that have presented themselves to us.  Living in Bermuda has been such a wonderful experience.  We have managed to make the most that the island has to offer - long walks along the beaches and coastlines, exploring nature reserves, participating in community events, to name but a few highlights.

A really special highlight has been the snorkeling - we have become carefree snorkelers quite adept at underwater breathing.  We have seen some spectacular ocean life - beautiful coral formations, ranks of sergeant-majors and always the awesome parrot fish. 

Bermuda is surrounded by reefs teeming with myriads of fish.  For me, the thousands of 'fry' that congregate together looking so much like mobile, ever-changing black or silver spheres are the most thrilling - almost like watching a choreographed dance - fish in perfect rhythm with the flow of water.  

The other awesome phenomenon is being in the ocean and watching shoals of silver fish jump out of the water like dolphins - they shimmer in the sunlight, and sound like seeds being shaken as they hit the water.  They look like they are having fun.

We have certainly enjoyed the snorkeling here.  

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