Sunday, August 14, 2016


We have started our kayak adventure - it now resides at the condominium beach, providing easy access to the water.   I think it's still a bit hot for long trips - the sun  blazes down in 35 degree Celsius heat.  So it was a quick paddle around our bay and we experienced the water in a whole different way.  We hugged the shoreline for the most part - I am still quite the chicken - I don't like windy days that produce too much choppiness and high waves, and I don't like being bounced around in some huge boat's wake.  It's a sea kayak so there is little danger of ending up in the water, but for some reason logic doesn't help.    

It was fun paddling along.  We were able to view some of the cliff edge homes and their private docks and yachts.  We inspected a shipwreck up close - a rusted skeleton that provides a haven for all sorts of tropical fish.   We waved to passing yachts and ducks bobbing along with us.

Altogether a fun afternoon.  Will have to do that again sometime soon.

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