Friday, July 29, 2016


Today, our youngest daughter started a new journey.  A journey that now encompasses a lifemate.  She is engaged to be married  with Jeff. 

To my mind, engagements are very much like new beginnings - filled with possibilities and potential. It is also a union - two separate souls holding hands and coming together to face a joined future. 

It will take energy, patience, flexibility, and compromise to forge a strong path.  It will also require kindness, selflessness and empathy.  The path is never going to be easy.  It may include a few wrong turns, reversals, and unknown precipices.   But it is possible.

We are very proud of her ,and very pleased for her.  We know she will make a success of this new adventure.

Looking forward to many years of fun and laughter.
Welcome to the family Jeff!

does not consist of
gazing at each other,
but in looking together
in the same direction." 

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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