Friday, May 20, 2016


Patrick came home a little early today so - for my first time - we hopped on the bike and made our way to Tobacco Bay.  
A bit hair raising - I haven't been on the back of a motor bike since my early twenties.  Many years and a much wiser brain tells me that caution is required.  The roads are very narrow and winding, and even though Patrick was puttering along at the sedate speed of about 40 kilometers per hour, it still felt like I was on a racetrack.  Every time the bike banked to enter a turn my heart lurched.   Every time I looked ahead I was grateful that traffic on the right kept to their side.   So much to worry about - the speed, the corners, the winding roads, the narrowness, the bus coming at us, what if he has a speed wobble, this helmet is suffocating - all those thoughts and more were going a mile a minute in my head - felt like the gyrations of a washing machine - round and round at high speed. 

Five minutes after we started, a real feeling of relief when we pulled up at Tobacco Bay. Had a great swim in warm and calm waters.  And then the trip home again - felt somewhat better.  Maybe I will get used to this - scratch that - will have to get used to this, as there are many places on the island that just do not cater for cars. 

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