Saturday, May 21, 2016


On Sunday, we spent a leisurely morning in the living room pottering around and relaxing on a bit of a rainy and overcast day.  When, lo and behold, we look out the window and what do we see but two mine sweepers gliding by.  Too interesting to miss the opportunity of getting a better up close look at them, we sauntered down to the dock to check them out.

What a sight to see - two Canadian ships with Canadian flags fluttering about in the wind and the decks of both filled with busy sailors.  The Moncton and the Saskatoon both in the harbor on their way to exercises down south apparently.

According to Wikipedia, they are known as coastal defense vessels that were launched in the 1990's.  They are used for coastal surveillance, sovereignty patrol, route survey, counter narcotics and training.  Their original role was supposed to be that of minesweeping.

Quite imposing and just lovely to see a little bit of home.

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