Friday, June 3, 2016


A beautiful island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
Everywhere around there are gorgeous turquoise waters
Warm waves rolling onto white or pink sand beaches.

Hibiscus shrubs line the roads and laneways
Frangipani blooms and jasmine perfume the air
Purple Morning glory tendrils creep across trees, walls, and hedges at every opportunity

Colourful lizards bask in the sun
Rainbow-like parrot fish swim lazily close to shore
Delicate shells litter the beaches,
Pink and purple coral cling to the sea wall 
Tropical fish in all shapes and sizes dash about the rocks

The graceful swooping of the Longtail can be seen at cliff edges
The mournful cry of the yellow breasted Kiskadee follows us all day
Standing in the shade of a Royal Poinciana - a waterfall of red blossoms 

All in all, a small island with an abundance of beauty. 

Have A Bermudaful Day!

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