Thursday, September 14, 2017


What makes us happy? At one with the world? Content with our lot?  None of us will come up with the same answer - we will each respond to a different call - and that's how it should be.

Ask a dung beetle - her answer will surely be "face down in a fresh cow patty rolling a perfect ball to trundle home to the family".   Us humans are a little more diverse I would think - line up 50 people and pose the question and you would probably get 50 different answers.

My own philosophy - aspire to your own dreams and definitions of happiness without worrying about what the next person is doing.  No one should dictate, approve, or disapprove another individuals choices.  As long as the dream is within the bounds of socially appropriate behavior, and realistic in expectations, then all dreams or goals should be entertained and hopefully achieved.  

Diversity and variations on a theme make the world a happy place, if we would just let it happen.

Each to his own and each of us should let it be!  Just like the Beatles/beetles tell us. 

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