Friday, April 14, 2017


Locals refer to Bermuda as "The Rock'.   It's a rather apt description if you think about.  Topographically, we live at the top of a submerged mountain in the middle of the Atlantic.  The islands lie on top of an extinct volcano.  The so-called Bermuda Platform was also created by "reef building corals, vermetid snails and calcareous algae that colonized the eroding seamount" (1). 

Suffice it to say that the island is made up of a mixture of volcanic rock and limestone.  There are no fresh water rivers, and no lakes.  There are patches of land that are arable, but very little in the way of agriculture is possible.  The plants, trees and shrubs are lush and beautiful despite the hard rock beneath.

Despite its foundations, there are luxuriant golf courses and dense tropical nature reserves dotted all over.  Accordingly, living on 'The Rock' even with it's bowling ball core is a fabulous experience.

(1)  Introduction to Bermuda: Geology, Oceanography and Climate in Coral Reefs of the World 2013 P115 to 133

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