There are hundreds of caves and caverns in Bermuda, with the most famous of all being the Chrystal Caves. They are the largest on the island and a 'must see' destination for any tourist.
Guides presented us with wonderful stories and interesting historical and geological information about the caves. According to islanders the caves were discovered by two young boys. They descended into the vast cavernous and pitch black darkness with only a lamp from a bicycle to look for their cricket ball - and found a subterranean wonderland.
According to Tourism Bermuda: "In 1908, the celebrated author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer became the first tourist to descend into the Crystal Caves. “We visited a wonderful cave …” he wrote in a letter. “The most beautiful cave in the world, I suppose. We descended 150 steps and stood in a splendid place 250 feet long & 30 or 40 wide, with a brilliant lake of clear water under our feet and all the roof overhead splendid with shining stalactites, thousands and thousands of them as white as sugar, and thousands and thousands brown and pink and other tints.”
Like Mark Twain, we were mesmerized. The caves provide an awesome display of Picasso type stalagmites and stalagtites. Strategic lighting shows off striations of ruby red, coral pink and luminescent white natural sculptures. The only sounds to be heard are the occasional plink plonk of a drop of water as it hits the surface of pools. The water is calm and deep in hues of aquamarine blue. No fishes and no plant life can be seen - the stillness is almost tangible.
No swimming allowed - no reason to disturb formations that have stood without blemish since the Ice Age. Scuba divers fromTexas A & M have explored the caves and found passages between them, but they are not for public viewing. The elite team of divers were on the island as part of an expedition to survey the outer edges of Bermuda’s sea mount and collect data on cave organisms.
A beautiful and natural amphitheatre filled with exquisite chandeliers and sculptures to be visited as many times as we can.
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